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School Fee

Dotted Background

  1. Collection of fee will be through Kurmanchal Co-operative Bank. It can be deposited in any branch of the Kurmanchal Co-operative Bank. Fee books will be issued to the parents at the time of admission or in the beginning of the session for the old students.

  2. Fee must be deposited before 10th of every month. A late fine of Rs. 100/- till 15th, Rs. 200/- till last day of the month will be imposed in case of non-payment of the fee.

  3. After 25th of the month till the last day of the month permission to deposit fee is principal’s discretion.

  4. Fee can be deposited in advance for any number of months or for the full session if desired so.

  5. Even if the students are admitted later during the term, fee for the whole academic session will be charged.

  6. Fee deposit receipts are to be kept safe by the parent as the proof of payment of fee.

  7. A clear calendar month’s advance notice in writing or a month or a month’s fee in lieu of notice, should be deposited to withdraw a pupil from the school either in the beginning of the session or in the middle. Principal’s discretion only may waive the notice period in special circumstances.

  8. Fees once taken will not be refunded.

  9. The fee structure is subject to change at any time without prior notice.

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Contact No Mobile.9690588867/7055515683

Landline: 05946-232010

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Address: BLM Academy Senior Secondary School
Padampur Dewaliya, Goraparow,
Haldwani, Nainital,

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